Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flu Like Symptoms

Well, they told us that the 'nadir', or low point for this treatment would be in 10-14 days, but it seems they are starting only after 4 days. John is feeling fairly poorly today. Not any nausea, as the medicine they give him for that seems to be working pretty well. Just tired and achy and very low energy.

There is ALOT of energy in this house today because it's Taryn's 21st birthday. John's not really happy about these 2 events happening on the same day, but I think he'll butch up and get thru the day and evening, in the hopes that he can rest up for a couple of days after.

We hope he gets to rest for most of the day, then we're off to the Thirsty Bear in San Francisco for the big celebration. We stayed up way past our bedtimes last nite to celebrate with Taryn at midnight with a cocktail. We just can't shortchange Taryn on her big day, no matter what. Life is for living afterall, and making the most of these opportunities to celebrate is really what it's all about.

Peace, hope, love & gratitude


Will Easton said...

Hey Vicki,

Sounds like you're all handling it pretty well, considering all that's happened. Best of luck -- you guys are in my thoughts...

- will e.

PS - how those new phones working for you? :-)

Anonymous said...


I am saddened to read about your health. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I miss the better days at Morgan.

Hang tough.

Marianne Pallotto

Anonymous said...

In my thoughts...just wondering how things are fairing since this blog notice.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vicki,

I still have your card on my desk. Things have been crazy here, but you and your family are in my prayers. Keep smiling and email me anytime at
