Wednesday, May 02, 2007

From John - Haiku

Another day, another 1/2 pound. I love to will the scale to say the right number in the morning and it does.

My Brother posted a beautiful Haiku on the event of springing me from the hospital. I hear he had some help with one of the lines - you be the judge. We all got started on haiku's some years back following a brother's golf outing. Mike started it and a lot of them had inside jokes, but it has steamrolled from there to a means of commemorating some event in one or all of our lives. Here's some that I've been working on for a while.

This one honors my Doc for his matter-of-fact manner of identifying and getting to the kernel of the problem, not a hem or a haw to be found.

Dr. CK Chang
Pancreatic cancer,
Whippled, resected.

And for me and my current concern (see Vicki's description of eating everything in sight).

Hibernating bear,
too thin from too long asleep.
Flowers bloom, wake up!

And for my brothers. What a blessing they have been, going shopping, taking out the trash, quizzing the nurses and doctors, shooing out excess visitors, spending time with Elliot, etc, etc.

Parade of brothers.
No task too small or complex;
No better stand-ins.

No golf bags in tow,
just hold hands with me and mine.
Some scotch wouldn't hurt.

Dave and Kathy continue to withhold information about any problems at the restaurant. I know they must be looking forward to my return but won't even discuss it until I can go 4 hours without a nap. Another integral part of my life that someone I love has eliminated from my list of concerns.

How fares the restaurant?
None of my concern 'til well.
Partners soothe my fears.

And of course my daughter Taryn. I'll never be able to say enough. Like a rock through even the worst days.

Everyone chips in,
Who tamps down my fever'd dreams?
Taryn Nightingale.

I think that's it for now - it's time for a nap.

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