Friday, April 06, 2007

Update on John

Welcome to my first post regarding John's "ailment" and the treatments that he's getting. I sent out an email, explaining everything we found out at a consultation with a surgeon yesterday. The email explains most of John's symptoms and what we think is going to happen in the next few weeks.

Synopsis: John has "something" on his pancreas that caused him to lose an alarming amount of weight very quickly and made him jaundiced.

Hello friends,

Some of you know some of what's going on in my life recently and some don't. I want to thank you all for your personal notes of care and concern to John & me in the last few days and also let everyone else know about our situation.

Here is the update now that we got Thursday's Dr's appt out of the way. The surgeon showed us the CT scan and explained how the placement of this "thing" is making John so sick (he's lost about 40 lbs in the last month and he's bright yellow and he itches real bad, all over). The good thing about it making him sick now is that it means that we were able to know it was there AND CATCH IT EARLY!! It blocks bile ducts and stuff because it's located at the head of his pancreas. The reason most pancreatic cancer prognosis is so dire is because there is never any sign that anything is wrong.

So we have good news/bad news kind of situation. The bad news is that he more than likely does have cancer in his pancreas. They don't actually know that because they won't do a biopsy till they take the whole tumor, along with alot of other guts, out of him, but they are treating it like it IS cancer and they are going to be very agressive about it. We really liked the Dr and we believe he WILL be aggressive and not leave anything in there that could threaten John's life. From the CT scan, it doesn't look like it's gone to his liver or metastisized at this point but they will only know that for sure once they go in and see. He is also getting a sonogram today, which will give them another view of things in there.

They are going over scheduling the Dr and Operating Rooms right now and he said the surgery will be scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. The surgery is major! He will be in the hospital for 10-14 days after and we don't know how long recovery will be when he gets home. There will be lots of tubes and bags and Borg shit that will be ugly and uncomfortable and John is not crazy about it.....but he's less crazy about the other alternative.

He's going to a gastroenterologist on Monday and there is hope that they can put a stint down there that will relieve the blockage of his bile ducts. This would be so great if they could do this so John can eat, get rid of the jaundice (that drives him crazy with the itching), put some weight on before the surgery and give him his energy back. If they try to get out of doing that tomorrow, I'm going to raise hell. (not a pretty picture as I'm sure you can imagine).

All in all, we are relieved. It's so good to be out of the dark and to know that there is a plan in place and that the chances for John living a long life to torment his kids and his wife are really good. I will be much happier now that we know something. The last 2 weeks have been scary and frustrating and so hard to watch my husband deteriorate so badly.

I'm going to postpone surgery to have my gall bladder out. I seem to be managing the attacks with my diet, but in the past, I have gone many weeks without an attack even on a high fat, campaign diet, so my preference would be to get it outta there ASAP.

So....that's all probably more than anyone wants to know about someone else's guts, but there you have everything I know about our life situation. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them the best that I can.

Smile!!! It's all good news and very good chances for a great outcome. That's the best part. John is happy. Taryn is off to Mexico and Elliot will hear all about this later today. We're in pretty good shape. Once I get the house clean, life will be damn near perfect.

Peace, hope and love to you all. Thanks so much for being part of my life. I know this is not the most personal way to get this information out, but I care about you all and know you care about me, so please feel free to call if you want to ask any questions or talk about anything else.

So this is what we know so far.

Here is an explaination of what this Whipple Surgery is all about

Since I can't figure out how to get a picture in this confounded thing, here is a pretty good visualization that shows what it all looks like and what they cut out.


Vicki said...

Feel free to leave messages for John or any GOOD news you might have about all these procedures if you like. I know John will love hearing from friends (even my friends) and family.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Vicki, no medical advice from me, just heartfelt well-wishes to you and John from way out here in Shanghai.

Anonymous said...

Every time I hear from you -r, you make me smile. That's plenty good.

Anonymous said...

Vicki, thanks for the update. You have my family with you. Let me know if you need the "go-fer" to get anything for your family.
Which hospital will John be at?

take care pete esse

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vic for the blog site.
Since we are so close to you, I probably won't respond to the blog that much.

Please know that John and you are on the Hahn family prayer lis, also on our church prayer chain. And,of course, you all are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. I love you both (also Taryn and Elliot, of course) so very much and really want to assure you that God is watching over us all.


Anonymous said...

Vicki and John,
thanks for the update. You have been on my mind and prayers since day one. The Lord hears from the Hahn family regularly and I know he'll be happy to hear prayers for John. You take care too. John has many people tending to him so you take care of yourself well. I like your attitude - keep it up!

Dan and Judy

Anonymous said...

Dear John and family,
Just a note from the Williams Family to let you know we are keeping all of your in our prayers every day. If you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, do not hesitate to call 297-2614 wk. We love you and know you will beat this thing. You are too tough to let something this obnoxious ruin your life!!! Take care and be a good patient. Everyone at Ghirardelli misses you and is keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. You are an incredible man and I bet you are surprised to learn how many people care about you. Well - that is because you bring a positive energy to everyone you contact and that is rare and fun and appreciated more than you know!!! Take care dude and GET WELL SOON.
Love, Donna, Dave, and Michael

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.