Friday, April 20, 2007

So the surgery was the easiest part...

I had plans this morning.

I was going to sleep well since I slept little in previous nights. I was going to make ice cream at the store and I was going to do my laundry. My mom called with news that would change my plans for the day. My dad did not have a good night and was definitely not having a good morning. During the night a number of awful things had happened such as vomiting and bleeding and this led to a very grumpy daddy. My mom was tired after having her own doctor's appointment and all the excitment over the success of the surgery had faded into fatigue, exhaustion and a general overwhelming gloom. So I dashed out here to save the day. Look what happens when my Dad goes 10 hours without his favorite daughter!

So the report is that the drain was not working just as it should and that led to his belly getting full and distending a little. Because everything is so raw and so tender from the pancreatitis and the surgery, any distension could easily cause the staples to tear the tissue in his gut (attractive, I know). There was tremendous fear of internal bleeding, infection and the horrible possiblilty of another surgery. Dr. Chang came and took care of things: giving him two pints of blood and two more on the way. He fixed the drain and things are moving much better now and that helps with the nausea.

My Uncle Steve is here and we are ever so grateful. My uncles are an ever flowing source of support, love and affection and their presence is always appreciated. I am going to stay here with my dad tonight and take care of his every need and we continue to pray that tomorrow will be a better day.

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